Aazaad Hacked! The pillar of Indian Cinema Bombay Talkies, Bombay Talkies' latest movie Rashtraputra based on the life and times of immortal martyr Chandrashekhar Azad and it’s writer-director-actor Aazaad’s official websites www.thebombaytalkiess tudios.com,www.Aazaad.in,www.r ashtraputra.com, and www.thebombaytalkieslimite d.com were hacked by the International Hackers Gang. The result was that hackers succeed to get some very important information related to Bombay Talkies, Rashtraputra and film maker Aazaad.
After all, what could be the reason for hacking a film company and a filmmaker's website? For some time, Bombay Talkies, Rashtraputra and Aazaad are in the center of discussions. Bombay Talkies is re-active after six decades. In the sequel to the creation of meaningful, thought provoking films following the great tradition and legacy for the sake of healthy entertainment their latest film, Rashtraputra-The Commander of Surgical Strikes' is being produced in twenty-six Indian and foreign languages. This film is the Annihilation of Sanatan culture and values along with highlighting the untouched and unknown aspects of the life of Chandrashekhar Azad, the revolutionary legend.
Filmmaker Aazaad has been a student of military school, so in the fearless and courageous style he is attacking the enemies of the country and culture through his film. Perhaps for the purpose to suppress the eternal values of Aazaad, some anti social, anti national groups or individuals have hacked the above mentioned websites. They have created a conspiracy to malign the sanatan culture, they have merged and posted unwanted, demeaning, far from truth, disrespectful, and barbaric posts to degrade the reputation of Aazaad and the legendary film company Bombay talkies.Some anti national organizations and individuals are frightened and horror struck by today’s nationalistic atmosphere that’s why they are doing ill activities at their best to stop the Rashtraputra team from sanatan nationalism. Legal action has already started and comprehensive investigation is going on. It’s high time to nab and grab them to the court of law.
Only after completion of the investigation the whole situation will be clear. Aazaad says that a tradition is coming from the mythical era that whenever someone makes austerity, monstrous powers begin to interfere, but the demons never win. Aazaad also said that he has left the sanatan horse of Ashwamedha and it’s impossible for any national or international hacker’s gang to stop or prevent it from spreading the sanatan values.