Millions of fans of cricketing icon Sachin Tendulkar took to Social Media to catch a glimpse of the 2 minutes 14 seconds trailer of his film Sachin A Billion Dreams, to be released on May 26. Within 24 hours of release, the trailer stormed the internet garnering 15 million views and trended on Twitter for 14 hours continuously. Sachin’s legion of fans including Bollywood Stars and eminent Sportspersons shared their excitement, reminiscing the days when he walked onto the pitch.
The soon-to-be-released film traces the journey of Sachin Tendulkar who lorded the pitch over his brilliant 24-year international career and represented the hopes and aspirations of millions of people across the country. Fans are gearing up to watch Sachin up close and personal on the Big Screen for the first time. The film promises to revive nostalgic memories of the master blaster on the field and shares incredible moments of his life never seen before.
Here’s what they had to say:
200 Not Out and Carnival Motion Pictures presents, Sachin- A Billion Dreams directed by Emmy nominated James Erskine and music by Academy Award winner A.R Rahman is slated to release on May 26th, 2017.