Priya Varrier also famously known as Wink girl is set to make her debut in Bollywood film industry. Priya Varrier attended the teaser launch of film Sridevi Bungalow at The View preview in Mumbai. Actor Priyanshu Chatterjee , Aseem Ali Khan and Dinesh Lamba also attended the launch. Speaking to the media she told that she hopes to do justice to the role she’s playing in Sridevi Bungalow. Priya Varrier was interacting with media at trailer launch of her upcoming film. The film revolves around the life of the central character, Sridevi. At the very beginning, she can be seen giving an autograph and the film establishes that she is one of the well-known stars. As the teaser progresses, we come across the various shots of Sridevi (Priya Varrier) enjoying a luxurious lifestyle. ''People know me as a wink girl but what I want is that people accept me as an actress as a whole and not just with a wink," added Priya Varrier. The film is produced by M N Pimple, Chandrasekhar SK and Roman Gilbert of Aarat Entertainment. Prasanth Mambully is directing the film. The film is co produced by Rajan Gupta and Manish Nair . 4 Musics have composed the song for this film which will be shot in London from 25th January.
लंदन : ब्रिटेन के फोन हैकिंग मामले में जांचकर्ताओं ने 47 साल की एक महिला को न्याय की दिशा गुमराह करने के आरोप में गिरफ्तार किया है। मीडिया ...
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Who is behind or which was founded in 2006 by Sushil Gangwar .Mr Sushil Gangwar is the Editor-in-chief of - . He have 18 years experience in Journalism . He worked with Complete cinema , News Today Hindi - English Magazine and Hindustan Times ( HT Media Ltd ) for Media , Social , Political Investigative and Film Journalism. Mail -