
बेहद पढ़े-लिखे और स्वाभिमानी अजय झा को कोई भी नेता या नौकरशाह 'टेकेन फॉर ग्रांटेड' नहीं लेता था

Pankaj Singh : The sudden death of Ajay N. Jha, a media person and much admired human being, has left me speechless. He was my junior in JNU and remained a brother all through. In JNU , he endeared himself to the entire community of students and teachers alike as a humble, affable and gregarious person who won hearts with his warmth and active interest in music.
Often, he would catch hold of me and make me sing his favourite ghazals while playing Tabla along. Sometimes we would sing together to an audience of fellow hostellers. After JNU years, we met at long intervals until he came to live at the EastEnd Apartments with his wife and lovely kids. I knew it when one morning he came from behind and closed my eyes, with his usual laughter and loud and enthusiastic "Bhaiya". He has made his mark as a professional.
He was friends with many influential people including the most powerful ones in the land, but never too overawed by any. The politicians and bureaucrats that he interacted with, always knew that Ajay was knowledgable, alert, well equipped and self respecting --- never to be taken for granted. May his family get courage to bear with this irreparable loss.
वरिष्ठ पत्रकार और साहित्यकार पंकज सिंह के फेसबुक वॉल से