Mumbai: A short film titled "Chicken Biryani", dedicated to the Indian Army has made it to the nomination list of Dada Saheb Phalke in the short film category, alongside other international films.
This is what the ecstatic Gavie Chahal who played the lead in the film has to say, "I'm glad to know about the official selection of our film at Dada Saheb Phalke Awards 2017. Many congratulations to the team and specially our Director and writer Mr. LomHarsh for this achievement"
"Feeling immense pleasure and joy for Chicken Biryani's selection. What else a Director can expect and that too out of his very first project. I wish luck to all the other contendors and I'm looking forward to it." said the rising director LomHarsh
"Chicken Biryani" is a precursor to the upcoming movie "Yeh Hai India", which also stars Gavie, and has been directed by LomHarsh