
Raghu Ram talks about Dropout Pvt. Ltd being India’s first of its kind startup reality show

TV personality Raghu Ram, who is coming up with a new show titled "Dropout Pvt. Ltd.", says it will be revolving around the idea of entrepreneurship and business.

TV personalty  Raghu Ram, who is coming up with a new show titled “Dropout Pvt. Ltd. says it will be revolving around the idea of entrepreneurship and business.
The MTV show was launched hereon Tuesday.

“Dropout Pvt. Ltd” is a show that will take viewers through the process of identifying and transforming ‘dropouts’ into the ideal start-up team and kick-starting their entrepreneurial journey.
“This exciting new show which revolves around the idea of entrepreneurship will be all about gutsy young minds keen on achieving their dreams. Rajiv and I saw a lot of potential in the idea of the show and we sat down with the MTV team to discuss and finalise the concept,” Raghu, co-founder of Monozygotic, said in a statement.
Raghu says he and his brother Rajiv Laxman have conceptualised the show and will be producing and hosting the show as well.
“This is India’s first of its kind startup reality show aimed at the youth and we hope to boost the confidence of a lot of youngsters out there as we already have a long-standing connection with the youth of India,” he added.
Created by Monozygotic and co-developed by MTV and Monozygotic, the show will premiere on Saturday.
Rajiv says though this show he and Raghu aim to transform young people into ideal entrepreneurs.
“When we were starting out, Raghu and I have had to go through a lot and hence understand the struggle and we both understand the youth very well due to the work we have done with them throughout our careers. It takes a lot to give up on everything and start something of your own and we are here to make this a lot easier for the youth out there,” said Rajiv, Co-founder of Monozygotic.

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