
IFTDA took the initiative of organizing an awareness seminar

Under the leadership of FWICE, IFTDA took the initiative of organizing an awareness seminar propagating the Do’s and Don’ts of Sexual Harassment at Workplace. This seminar was held in the light of the surge of complaints of sexual harassment surfacing in the film industry. The federation that is the mother body of 24 crafts of film making has taken a serious cognizance to this entire matter and is very keen on creating a safe and conducive working environment for its professionals irrespective of the gender. 

The seminar was conducted by Ms. Nandini Sarkar, Managing Director of C-Quel and an advisor of IFTDA’s ICC established for the sexual harassment cases. This entire seminar and the learning were based on the government established POSH guidelines. The seminar was steered by Ms. Nandini Sarkar. This was initiated by IFTDA President Mr. Ashoke Pandit and powered by Mr. B.N.Tiwari (President , FWICE) , Ashok Dubey (General Secretary, FWICE) and Gangeshwar Shrivastav (Sanju)-(Treasurer, FWICE) .

With a house full auditorium Nandini Sarkar presented the facts about the law and how forming an ICC committee is the need of the hour for every association. She elaborated that how the crimes against women have increased in the country as 11% of the crimes that happen in India are against women. She pressed on the fact that the entertainment industry can influence people to bring in the change regarding the safety of women’s at workplace.

FWICE and IFTDA are on a mission to eradicate the nuisance of sexual harassment from the film industry and restore the the sanctity of the industry