Kamal Kishor Mishra of One Entertainment Film Productions and Prachi Movies along with Writer-Director Manoj Sharma kept the shoot of their Horror comedy film Khalli Balli at O 2 Villa, Madh Island where important scene was picturised . Madhoo Shah was very excited as her introduction scene was picturised . Madhoo is shooting in Hindi film after eight years . Madhoo Shah, Rajniesh Duggal, Kainaat Arora, Rohan Mehra, Vijay Raaj, Rajpal Yadav, Hemant Pandey, Yasmeen Khan and Ekta Jain interacted with media while shooting. Kainaat Arora is playing the main lead in this film opposite Rajniesh Duggal. Yasmeen Khan and Rajpal Yadav are playing care taker of Bunglow. TV actor Rohan Mehr also plays a key role in the film.